
altspace/components. wire

The wire component allows you to trigger an event on one entity when an event occurs on the another entity. If no targets are selected, it will target itself.

<a-box id='proxy' wire='on: click; emit: click; target: #otherbox></a-box>
<a-box id='otherbox' random-color></a-box>



emit :string

Name of an event to trigger on the targets

gain :string

Name of a state to add on the target

gained :string

Name of a state to watch for

lose :string

Name of a state to remove on the target

lost :string

Name of a state to watch for

on :string

Name of an event to listen for

target :selector

A selector to pick a single object to wire to. The selector is re-evaluated when the wire is triggered.

targets :selector

A selector to pick which objects to wire to. The selector is re-evaluated when the wire is triggered.