
altspace~ TrackingJoint

new TrackingJoint()

Represents a joint on a user's skeleton. TrackingJoint should not be instantiated directly, instead it should be retrieved via TrackingSkeleton.getJoint.



confidence :Number

A number from 0 to 3 indicating the confidence of the tracking. Values can be either 0 (no confidence/tracking), 2 (low confidence Leap Motion), or 3 (high confidence Leap Motion, or tracked controllers).

name :String

The name of the joint comprised of its side, body part, and index. E.g. 'LeftPinky0'.

userData :Object

User data for this Object3D instance. If userData has an altspace property, it will be used to set extra properties on the object that are used by the Altspace renderer.

Name Type Description
altspace THREE.Object3D~AltspaceFlags

Altspace-specific properties associated with this object.

Inherited From:


Type Definitions


The ThreeJSCursorEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user interacting with three.js objects using the cursor

Name Type Description
ray THREE.Ray

The ray that was used to project the cursor. Will often come from either the user's center eye or a motion controller they are holding.

point THREE.Vector3

The point in world space where the ray intersected an object.

bubbles Boolean

Whether this event will bubble up the three.js hierarchy. True for all ThreeJSCursorEvents. Roughly matches DOM bubbling (does not have a capture step).

target THREE.Object3D

The THREE.Object3D the event originally fired on.

currentTarget THREE.Object3D

The THREE.Object3D the event is currently firing on as it bubbles.

stopPropagation function

Allows the remaining event listeners for this event on this THREE.Object3D to fire and then stops.

stopImmediatePropagation function

Stops the firing of any more event listeners for this event.

Inherited From: